CTFs (Capture The Flags) are a great way to enhance your skills. Whether it’s information security or Open Source Intelligence based CTFs, at the end of the day, they improve your problem solving abilities, and also, they are fun! I started this tradition of making Twitter threads during TraceLabs’s CTF about OPSEC, especially focusing on judges using LOW END COMPUTERS. So I thought why not make a blog post about it so that everyone could benefit.
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Sarah’s Case Is Still Unsolved!

It’s been a month, and no one solved the case! Some came near, but went too far. Isn’t that the beauty of The Unsolvable CTF? As you have not solved the CTF yet (will you ever?😈), so here are some tips to approach the case. First of all, ask yourself what have you got? A case file with 90 words and two images. That means, you have limited information and you have to start your investigation from there.
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Steganographic Tools For Beginners

Hiding in plain sight has many dimensions. Sometimes, whatever you are looking for is before you, but you cannot see it; other times, it’s right before you but you don’t notice. Steganography has been an art since the ancient days used to write hidden messages. It has evolved over the ages, and has changed form for the better. Nowadays we have software to hide and obfuscate messages. In this article, we’ll take a look at some amazing steganographic tools which are tiny yet powerful.
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