Hello folks, this section is dedicated to the topics related to GNU/Linux and FOSS(Free and Open Source Software).
Why Linux?
One line answer - Linux is awesome! As an OSINT practitioner, most of the things that you do would involve accessing information through browsers. GNU/Linux based operating systems gives you an edge over other operating systems such as Windows and Mac, in terms of efficiency, speed, reliability, privacy and security. And also GNU/Linux is open source, that means you can customize the operating system however you want, which gives you more control and modularity while conducting OSINT operations. We also have a dedicated GNU/Linux channel for educating you about tools, techniques, scripting and so on.
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Arrays Are Powerful In Bash
“$” might symbolize dollars to many of you, but for bash users it’s the holy grail for retrieving stored data. Speaking of which, do you know what’s the common place to store a piece of data? A variable.
Variable The name itself incurs that variable is something that could be varied. So is it like a chameleon that changes colors all the time? Not precisely, if you remember from the intro its a common place to store a piece of data.